Christmas Church Flowers

The beautiful decorations in our Church during the Christmas season lift our spirits closer to the Lord Jesus as we celebrate His birth! They help us to pray more deeply and feel closer to one another. We invite you to donate toward our decorations by making an offering in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving for a blessing in your life, for a special intention, or simply as a free-will offering. We will list the names of the people remembered, the blessings recalled, or the intentions held in your hearts in the bulletin on January 12. However, we will not print the donor's name nor the amount given. Again this year, you can give by the offertory envelopes mailed to your home if you give by envelope. You can list the below information on the backside of the envelope.

If you wish to make this offering, please fill out the below form or mailed offertory envelope and return it with your donation to the Parish Office by Friday, December 27