Support the Circle of Love

This weekend you have the opportunity to make Christmas brighter for a person or family in need. If you know of a person or family who has hit hard times due to a job layoff or serious illness/injury, please consider being a Circle of Love sponsor this Christmas season. To be a sponsor, we do require that you be a registered member of St. Charles. Circle of Love sponsor sheets can be found on the sign-up shelf in the new church Narthex. When completed, place in the Gift Box marked “Circle of Love” also located on the sign-up shelf in the new church Narthex. All sponsor sheets are due back on or before Wednesday, October 16th.

If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a Circle of Love volunteer, please call Debbie Lancour (home phone) 262-367-3869.

Volunteers: Our 2nd meeting is Tuesday, October 29th from 1-3 p.m. in the Borromeo Hall.