Pastoral Council

The pastoral council engages in the continual process of pastoral planning which takes into account the needs of the developing ministries and programs of the parish, insuring that all that happens within the parish conforms to the needs of parishioners, the community, the archdiocese and the global Catholic identity. For contact information for the members of the pastoral council please contact the parish office (262) 367-0800.

  • John Zingsheim - Chair
  • Tom Shannon - Vice Chair
  • Lori Stortz - Secretary
  • Mike Berendes
  • Jackie Giacalone
  • Tom O’Brien
  • Paul Prahl
  • Paul Stevens
  • Dennis Tarnowski
  • Gene Widenski
  • Nancy Wisniewski


  • How often does Pastoral Council meet?
    • Regular meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month, at least 6 times a year.

  • Pastoral Council is made of what membership?
    • Pastoral Council is made of 14 members, 9 at-large selected from the membership of the Parish and 5 ex officio members.  These are the Pastor, Associate Pastor, Director of Administrative Services and 2 elected Parish Trustees.

  • Who leads the Pastoral Council?
    • The Pastoral Council has a Chair and Vice Chair who will lead all meetings.