Boy Scouts
As a chartered organization owned by St. Charles, Boy Scouts of America Troop 224 serves the parish as an outreach to the youth of our community regardless of their religious affiliations. Founded in 2003, Troop 224 calls our parish home and meets regularly in the Parish Hall.
Troop 224 uses the "Aims of Scouting" to develop moral strength and character, participating citizenship, and physical, mental and emotional fitness. This is done through the methods of ideals, (Scout Law and Oath) adult association, outdoors, the uniform, patrols, advancement, leadership development, and personal growth. Activities include camping, high adventure outings, service projects and learning new skills through training and merit badges. Scouts also participate in Scouting for Food, Adopt-a-Highway, grounds clean-up, the Easter Vigil bonfire, Scout Sunday and other community events. Hundreds of our parish families have been involved in the scouting program through the years, helping to create a dynamic program resulting in our reputation as one of the premier Boy Scout Troops in our area.
Troop 224 welcomes any interested boys, ages 11-17 to visit the website to find out more information about the troop: www.troop224.com
Girls Scouts
Additionally, Girl Scouts is offered through St. Charles for some grades. If you are interested in becoming involved in a troop or starting a new troop, please refer to the Girl Scouts of Southeast Wisconsin website at https://www.gswise.org/ and contact the Parish Office.