A vocation is a call from God, a ceaseless invitation to charity and holiness as expressed in a certain way of life. Marriage, the priesthood or diaconate, and religious life, though different lifestyles, are all prompts to holiness and virtuous habits. The process of discerning each vocation can be a lifelong process, but often begins to unfold in a person’s young adult life. For this reason, youths and young adults are encouraged to ponder prayerfully what sort of life God may be calling them to lead.
The St. Charles Student Ministries offers programs such as Life Teen and Brewing the Faith for persons looking to strengthen their connection with Christ as they discern their place in God’s wondrous plan. For those who have already dedicated themselves to a vocation, either through marriage or a consecration to single life, or who are still in discernment, St. Charles also offers opportunities for further faith formation through the Small Group communities offered through the Evangelization Ministry.
If you have any questions about vocations at St. Charles, please contact Fr. Ariel Orozco. Additional resources on vocations may be found through the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s Vocation webpage. If you are considering the diocesan priesthood, an excellent resource is the Archdiocese of Milwaukee’s thinkpriest.org.